Revelations have shaken Australia's belief in the nation as a paragon of fair play.
Organised crime is increasingly infiltrating Australian sport,
cashing in on massive potential profits through performance-enhancing
drugs, match-fixing and manipulation of betting, a year-long
investigation revealed yesterday.
The report, by the Australian Crime Commission, said major crime figures
had already established business links with sporting codes and saw the
relationships as a means of reaching political and business leaders
through sports boardrooms.
It also warned of the potential for professional athletes to be
corrupted or compromised through their use of drugs such as peptides and
hormones, and said crime gangs were targeting "sub-elite" players for
long-term grooming.
The report said the use of banned substances was growing rapidly,
expanding the market well beyond professionals to club level across many
They were promoted and supplied by sports scientists whose
influence on club decision-making was growing, by high-performance
coaches and support staff, and by doctors engaged in "lax, fraudulent
and unethical prescribing practices", such as prescribing controlled
drugs in false names.
Some anti-ageing clinics had also been identified as a key source of
pharmaceutical grade drugs for athletes, in some cases without
The report said some sports scientists were also using professional
athletes as guinea pigs, experimenting with new-generation drugs to test
their effectiveness and ability to escape detection.
The supply of new drugs, many unknown to anti-doping agencies or unable
to be tested for, had already developed into an organised and highly
profitable market. These included substances not yet been approved for
human use that offered effects similar to anabolic steroids and seen by
athletes as undetectable.
The report, which followed the Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority's
discovery of possible links between the use of banned substances and
crime groups 18 months ago, has rocked Australia.
Its revelations that sport was riddled with drug use from local clubs to
elite athletes, and was linked to organised crime, extended far beyond
an acceptance that individual athletes, and possibly a handful of clubs
in a limited number of codes, were involved.
It has shaken Australia's belief in the nation as a paragon of fair play.
"The findings are shocking and will disgust Australian sports fans," Home Affairs Minister Jason Clare said.
"It's cheating but it's worse than that. It's cheating with the help of criminals."
The response has been immediate. Sports chiefs were alerted in
confidential briefings by the Crime Commission this week, and have
agreed to a broad range of measures tied to tough new action by
governments and police.
The report's findings have been referred to federal, state and territory
police, and the federal Government intends accelerating the development
of uniform anti-doping laws across the nation.
Further investigations have been launched by regulatory bodies including
the Anti-Doping Authority, whose investigative resources have been
doubled. The authority will also have its powers extended by new laws
compelling "persons of interest" to co-operate.
Major sporting codes have also agreed to establish new integrity units,
co-operate fully with joint investigations into doping, urge erring
athletes to own up and co-operate, swap information with each other, and
enforce zero tolerance for support staff peddling drugs.
The twin aims of the new strategy are to stamp on existing dope use and
suppliers, and to choke off the growing threat from organised crime.
The Crime Commission report said the potential profits for crime were
enormous: apart from the lucrative distribution and supply of drugs, it
could tap into the A$8.82 billion ($10.88 billion) estimated to be
generated annually by the nation's sport and recreation industry.
Drugs alone ensured big profits. The market for performance-enhancing
drugs was soaring, with record numbers of seizures, detections and
arrests and increasing reports by users that they were injecting them.
The mark-up on peptides and hormones is reportedly up to 140 per cent.
The report said betting - with growth of up to 13 per cent a year - was
also at risk, with increasing evidence of "personal relationships of
concern" between professional athletes and organised criminal identities
and groups.
This might have resulted in match fixing and the fraudulent manipulation of betting markets, it said.
The threat was not confined to Australian crime groups, with clear
parallels between what has been discovered in Australia and the United
States Anti-Doping Agency investigation into disgraced Tour de France
superstar Lance Armstrong. The report said the case underlined the
transnational threat posed by doping to professional sport.
Major syndicates including the Italian mafia and Russian organised
criminal groups were already heavily involved in trafficking of sports
drugs across Europe. Victorian police said yesterday authorities had
identified A-League football as being at major risk of match-fixing,
with vast increases in Asian A-League betting pools.
Fixing to score
The Australian Crime Commission found:
* Widespread use of performance-enhancing substances
and illicit drugs across many sports, from professional athletes to club
* Organised crime has moved into the supply of sports
drugs, possibly expanded into match-fixing, and established links with
officials and business ties to major codes.
* Sports scientists, coaches, support staff, doctors
and pharmacists are involved, sometimes using top athletes as guinea
pigs for new drugs not approved for human use.
* Tough new counter-measures are planned, with more
resources for the Anti-Doping Authority and powers to compel persons of
interest to co-operate, and accelerated nationwide laws.
* Major codes will launch new integrity units, join
multi-agency investigations, share information with one another and
enforce zero tolerance for drug-peddling support staff.The potential
profits for organised crime are enormous. Apart from the lucrative
supply of drugs, it could tap into the estimated $10.88 billion
generated annually by the nation's sport and recreation industry.