Do I think the wall would have worked?No,not since that thing called a ladder was invented,walls can very easily be gotten over.
Millions upon millions of people would still continue to climb walls that would take an extraordinary ladder, that they would have to take there, and make the effort to climb? Then what? Jump off and break a leg? Or are they taking the ladder over and then trying to pass it back again?
You realize they are not walls that are designed to easily climb and cross?
For example, if this was so easy to do, why did East Germany have anyone living there? Etc., etc.
Do I think the wall would have worked?No,not since that thing called a ladder was invented,walls can very easily be gotten over.
Millions upon millions of people would still continue to climb walls that would take an extraordinary ladder, that they would have to take there, and make the effort to climb? Then what? Jump off and break a leg? Or are they taking the ladder over and then trying to pass it back again?
You realize they are not walls that are designed to easily climb and cross?
For example, if this was so easy to do, why did East Germany have anyone living there? Etc., etc.
That's what I was saying about them only working if you have someone monitoring the wall.Prison walls only work because there are guards in towers watching the walls,that is how that works.No I do not think that is what Biden should do,his wall wouldn't be any different then anybody else's wall.But I would be all for a wall if somebody else was gonna pay for it.
Look at the designs of some of them. They are more effective than you seem to realize. You cannot argue that it would not slow folks down and cut the numbers tremendously.
So, even if Biden's wall would be 'no different' but you would be okay if 'someone else paid for it'? Like Mexico? If they did, you are okay with it. Even though you think it would not work because millions of folks would be climbing over and tossing babies over, etc. Then handing the ladder back up and over for the next person?
That's what I was saying about them only working if you have someone monitoring the wall.Prison walls only work because there are guards in towers watching the walls,that is how that works.No I do not think that is what Biden should do,his wall wouldn't be any different then anybody else's wall.But I would be all for a wall if somebody else was gonna pay for it.
Look at the designs of some of them. They are more effective than you seem to realize. You cannot argue that it would not slow folks down and cut the numbers tremendously.
So, even if Biden's wall would be 'no different' but you would be okay if 'someone else paid for it'? Like Mexico? If they did, you are okay with it. Even though you think it would not work because millions of folks would be climbing over and tossing babies over, etc. Then handing the ladder back up and over for the next person?
You guys must be the only ones who believed the con that Mexico was gonna pay for it,why would they?And please tell me how you think we can MAKE Mexico pay for it,should we threaten to blow them up like the drug cartels(like trump said),if they say no?
Absolutely. You remember what Mexico did when Trump met with Fox and more or less threatened this? Fox put the skids on the CA stuff very quickly and the numbers tapered off.
There is a huge argument that can be made that Trump was handcuffed by Congress and was unable to do it.
But a bigger point can be made that he should have stuck to it and forced it to happen.
A lot of folks really wanted him to do this because that was a big part of what he ran on. Even outside of Congress, or by working with them, he should have done it.
But a lot of that was quelled because the numbers of illegals tapered off. Remember the even started before Trump met with Fox. They knew he was serious about trying to keep that promise.
So, yes, a good point can be made that just the threat of having Mexico do it helped nd some do think Trump should have gone ahead with it.
But now the USA has to decide what it wants to do now. They are the only country that is advocating for an open border policy, even in the midst of the direct threats from more than just illegals now.
You guys must be the only ones who believed the con that Mexico was gonna pay for it,why would they?And please tell me how you think we can MAKE Mexico pay for it,should we threaten to blow them up like the drug cartels(like trump said),if they say no?
Absolutely. You remember what Mexico did when Trump met with Fox and more or less threatened this? Fox put the skids on the CA stuff very quickly and the numbers tapered off.
There is a huge argument that can be made that Trump was handcuffed by Congress and was unable to do it.
But a bigger point can be made that he should have stuck to it and forced it to happen.
A lot of folks really wanted him to do this because that was a big part of what he ran on. Even outside of Congress, or by working with them, he should have done it.
But a lot of that was quelled because the numbers of illegals tapered off. Remember the even started before Trump met with Fox. They knew he was serious about trying to keep that promise.
So, yes, a good point can be made that just the threat of having Mexico do it helped nd some do think Trump should have gone ahead with it.
But now the USA has to decide what it wants to do now. They are the only country that is advocating for an open border policy, even in the midst of the direct threats from more than just illegals now.
I unfortunately don't have an answer to what anybody should do to solve this problem(and neither do any of you,nor do any politicians,but you guys sure pretend like you have the answers).Like I said in post #92,I think it's basically an un-fixable problem to a certain extent.If you got people willing to WALK about 2,000 miles carrying everything they own,you think a fuckin wall is gonna make them just turn around and go back?I'd be willing to bet the answers no.
You do not have an answer. But you do seem to realize that it is a problem. That is good. Because a lot on the Left will not even admit that.
It for sure is NOT an 'unfixable problem'. It has been 'fixed' before to various degrees. The folks in the USA just have not reached a point where they have the desire or willpower to fix it.
It is the same with any problem in the country. Take debt as an example. The country kicks it down the rod to the next generation. Same with the illegals problem.
But this is something people do in their own lives. They throw their hands up in the air and refuse to get out of debt or handle other pressing issues and just hope they go away or that they can deal with them later.
The whole time the debt or problem is getting worse.
If the people really and truly wanted to fix this, they could do it. They could do it without a wall, even. They just do not have the fortitude.
I unfortunately don't have an answer to what anybody should do to solve this problem(and neither do any of you,nor do any politicians,but you guys sure pretend like you have the answers).Like I said in post #92,I think it's basically an un-fixable problem to a certain extent.If you got people willing to WALK about 2,000 miles carrying everything they own,you think a fuckin wall is gonna make them just turn around and go back?I'd be willing to bet the answers no.
You do not have an answer. But you do seem to realize that it is a problem. That is good. Because a lot on the Left will not even admit that.
It for sure is NOT an 'unfixable problem'. It has been 'fixed' before to various degrees. The folks in the USA just have not reached a point where they have the desire or willpower to fix it.
It is the same with any problem in the country. Take debt as an example. The country kicks it down the rod to the next generation. Same with the illegals problem.
But this is something people do in their own lives. They throw their hands up in the air and refuse to get out of debt or handle other pressing issues and just hope they go away or that they can deal with them later.
The whole time the debt or problem is getting worse.
If the people really and truly wanted to fix this, they could do it. They could do it without a wall, even. They just do not have the fortitude.
If you got people willing to WALK about 2,000 miles carrying everything they own,you think a fuckin wall is gonna make them just turn around and go back?I'd be willing to bet the answers no.
This is key: they KNOW there is a, more or less, open border. IF they knew there was a very slim chance of being admitted, fewer would come. IF there were a wall, even fewer would come. The more deterrents you place in front of someone the less willing they are to try.
But right now the folks know they can come to the USA with no consequences and not much of a problem getting in and not likely to get kicked out.
VERY few people are making that journey if they know it is unlikely to happen. Right now they have no worries -- only daylight ahead and hardly any obstacles.
If you got people willing to WALK about 2,000 miles carrying everything they own,you think a fuckin wall is gonna make them just turn around and go back?I'd be willing to bet the answers no.
This is key: they KNOW there is a, more or less, open border. IF they knew there was a very slim chance of being admitted, fewer would come. IF there were a wall, even fewer would come. The more deterrents you place in front of someone the less willing they are to try.
But right now the folks know they can come to the USA with no consequences and not much of a problem getting in and not likely to get kicked out.
VERY few people are making that journey if they know it is unlikely to happen. Right now they have no worries -- only daylight ahead and hardly any obstacles.
So, a wall is NOT necessary. But it would be a better obstacle and deterrent than what is in place now.
If you are not willing to make policy changes and enforce the regulations that are already in place -- then a wall is almost required to help the folks that cannot get the government to protect the country's citizens and their interest.
So, a wall is NOT necessary. But it would be a better obstacle and deterrent than what is in place now.
If you are not willing to make policy changes and enforce the regulations that are already in place -- then a wall is almost required to help the folks that cannot get the government to protect the country's citizens and their interest.
@MrWhatsItToYa Do I think the wall would have worked?No,not since that thing called a ladder was invented,walls can very easily be gotten over. Millions upon millions of people would still continue to climb walls that would take an extraordinary ladder, that they would have to take there, and make the effort to climb? Then what? Jump off and break a leg? Or are they taking the ladder over and then trying to pass it back again? You realize they are not walls that are designed to easily climb and cross? For example, if this was so easy to do, why did East Germany have anyone living there? Etc., etc.
Umm 1st off the wall in Germany was guarded by 300 watch towers,55,000 land mines,that might of had something to do with why East Germany still had people living there.Not because the wall was that hard to get over.And was only about 90 something miles long.In comparison the border with Mexico is over 1,900 miles long,you wanna take the time to figure out how many watchtowers or guard houses would be needed to secure our border with Mexico,according to your Berlin Wall comparison.According to this information on the Berlin Wall,it's almost like you are agreeing with my statement,that "unless you have people constantly monitoring the whole 1,900 miles of wall",people are going to be able to get across.Granted technology wise and camera wise,security these days would be a little easier.But in no way if you left it un-monitored,would it be secure.
I'm not sure what the specific name of these ladders are,they are like ladders you can throw out your upstairs windows at home if there is a fire.They are like rope ladders with rungs going as long as the ladder itself.You throw the ladder over the top and secure it to the top,then have another 1 of those ladders to hook to the top and climb down the other side.You could keep the ladders there and have a constant stream of people climbing the ladder to go over the wall.Google it and you can find people getting over the wall in under 2 minutes,but you are right,everybody would walk 2,000 miles in a couple months and then turn around if they saw a wall that would take under 2 minutes to climb.Unless of course they were smart enough to think about bringing 2 of those ladders,while they're walking for the 2,000 miles.Lets not even mention just bringing a saw to cut thru the slants of wall.
Quote Originally Posted by Raiders22:
@MrWhatsItToYa Do I think the wall would have worked?No,not since that thing called a ladder was invented,walls can very easily be gotten over. Millions upon millions of people would still continue to climb walls that would take an extraordinary ladder, that they would have to take there, and make the effort to climb? Then what? Jump off and break a leg? Or are they taking the ladder over and then trying to pass it back again? You realize they are not walls that are designed to easily climb and cross? For example, if this was so easy to do, why did East Germany have anyone living there? Etc., etc.
Umm 1st off the wall in Germany was guarded by 300 watch towers,55,000 land mines,that might of had something to do with why East Germany still had people living there.Not because the wall was that hard to get over.And was only about 90 something miles long.In comparison the border with Mexico is over 1,900 miles long,you wanna take the time to figure out how many watchtowers or guard houses would be needed to secure our border with Mexico,according to your Berlin Wall comparison.According to this information on the Berlin Wall,it's almost like you are agreeing with my statement,that "unless you have people constantly monitoring the whole 1,900 miles of wall",people are going to be able to get across.Granted technology wise and camera wise,security these days would be a little easier.But in no way if you left it un-monitored,would it be secure.
I'm not sure what the specific name of these ladders are,they are like ladders you can throw out your upstairs windows at home if there is a fire.They are like rope ladders with rungs going as long as the ladder itself.You throw the ladder over the top and secure it to the top,then have another 1 of those ladders to hook to the top and climb down the other side.You could keep the ladders there and have a constant stream of people climbing the ladder to go over the wall.Google it and you can find people getting over the wall in under 2 minutes,but you are right,everybody would walk 2,000 miles in a couple months and then turn around if they saw a wall that would take under 2 minutes to climb.Unless of course they were smart enough to think about bringing 2 of those ladders,while they're walking for the 2,000 miles.Lets not even mention just bringing a saw to cut thru the slants of wall.
@MrWhatsItToYa That's what I was saying about them only working if you have someone monitoring the wall.Prison walls only work because there are guards in towers watching the walls,that is how that works.No I do not think that is what Biden should do,his wall wouldn't be any different then anybody else's wall.But I would be all for a wall if somebody else was gonna pay for it. Look at the designs of some of them. They are more effective than you seem to realize. You cannot argue that it would not slow folks down and cut the numbers tremendously. So, even if Biden's wall would be 'no different' but you would be okay if 'someone else paid for it'? Like Mexico? If they did, you are okay with it. Even though you think it would not work because millions of folks would be climbing over and tossing babies over, etc. Then handing the ladder back up and over for the next person?
Ya it would slow them down,they walk for 2 months,then cross over the wall in 2 minutes.So it would take them 2 months and 2 minutes,instead of just the 2 months.But I will argue your statement that it would cut the numbers tremendously,it might not cut the numbers at all.You might just phase out the people over 50,or overweight people who couldn't climb the ladders,then they just get a tool and cut thru the wall.You do realize there are people in Mexico who are paid to make sure people are able to get thru or over the wall?And yes I already stated I would be ok with it,if somebody else paid for it,why you got a backer to pay for it?
Quote Originally Posted by Raiders22:
@MrWhatsItToYa That's what I was saying about them only working if you have someone monitoring the wall.Prison walls only work because there are guards in towers watching the walls,that is how that works.No I do not think that is what Biden should do,his wall wouldn't be any different then anybody else's wall.But I would be all for a wall if somebody else was gonna pay for it. Look at the designs of some of them. They are more effective than you seem to realize. You cannot argue that it would not slow folks down and cut the numbers tremendously. So, even if Biden's wall would be 'no different' but you would be okay if 'someone else paid for it'? Like Mexico? If they did, you are okay with it. Even though you think it would not work because millions of folks would be climbing over and tossing babies over, etc. Then handing the ladder back up and over for the next person?
Ya it would slow them down,they walk for 2 months,then cross over the wall in 2 minutes.So it would take them 2 months and 2 minutes,instead of just the 2 months.But I will argue your statement that it would cut the numbers tremendously,it might not cut the numbers at all.You might just phase out the people over 50,or overweight people who couldn't climb the ladders,then they just get a tool and cut thru the wall.You do realize there are people in Mexico who are paid to make sure people are able to get thru or over the wall?And yes I already stated I would be ok with it,if somebody else paid for it,why you got a backer to pay for it?
@MrWhatsItToYa You guys must be the only ones who believed the con that Mexico was gonna pay for it,why would they?And please tell me how you think we can MAKE Mexico pay for it,should we threaten to blow them up like the drug cartels(like trump said),if they say no? Absolutely. You remember what Mexico did when Trump met with Fox and more or less threatened this? Fox put the skids on the CA stuff very quickly and the numbers tapered off. There is a huge argument that can be made that Trump was handcuffed by Congress and was unable to do it. But a bigger point can be made that he should have stuck to it and forced it to happen. A lot of folks really wanted him to do this because that was a big part of what he ran on. Even outside of Congress, or by working with them, he should have done it. But a lot of that was quelled because the numbers of illegals tapered off. Remember the even started before Trump met with Fox. They knew he was serious about trying to keep that promise. So, yes, a good point can be made that just the threat of having Mexico do it helped nd some do think Trump should have gone ahead with it. But now the USA has to decide what it wants to do now. They are the only country that is advocating for an open border policy, even in the midst of the direct threats from more than just illegals now.
Ya he was handcuffed by congress,and I believe the republicans who were in charge of the Senate and House,were the ones that handcuffed him.He ran on Mexico paying for the wall,and there wasn't a chance in hell Mexico would of paid for the wall.Fox was president of Mexico from 2000 to 2006,so I have no idea what you are talking about him doing with trump as president,"putting the skids on the CA stuff"..But I remember Fox did say "We are not paying for that f*cking wall" when asked.I believe Fox even said that trump tried to get him "to just say Mexico will pay for it",even though he would of never have done it.The guy who was president of Mexico at that time Enrique Nieto,said there would be "No scenario that Mexico would pay for the wall".
No,I believe it was quelled because he couldn't find a way on how to pay for the wall,because Mexico would of never paid for it.What are you talking about "a good point can be made that just the threat of having Mexico do it helped",it didn't help anything at all because Mexico would never even think about paying for it.Ya maybe trump (since he ran on the wall) should of worried about that,instead of giving tax breaks to the wealthy.Because I certainly don't believe the problem with America,is that the wealthy just don't have enough money in this country.
Quote Originally Posted by Raiders22:
@MrWhatsItToYa You guys must be the only ones who believed the con that Mexico was gonna pay for it,why would they?And please tell me how you think we can MAKE Mexico pay for it,should we threaten to blow them up like the drug cartels(like trump said),if they say no? Absolutely. You remember what Mexico did when Trump met with Fox and more or less threatened this? Fox put the skids on the CA stuff very quickly and the numbers tapered off. There is a huge argument that can be made that Trump was handcuffed by Congress and was unable to do it. But a bigger point can be made that he should have stuck to it and forced it to happen. A lot of folks really wanted him to do this because that was a big part of what he ran on. Even outside of Congress, or by working with them, he should have done it. But a lot of that was quelled because the numbers of illegals tapered off. Remember the even started before Trump met with Fox. They knew he was serious about trying to keep that promise. So, yes, a good point can be made that just the threat of having Mexico do it helped nd some do think Trump should have gone ahead with it. But now the USA has to decide what it wants to do now. They are the only country that is advocating for an open border policy, even in the midst of the direct threats from more than just illegals now.
Ya he was handcuffed by congress,and I believe the republicans who were in charge of the Senate and House,were the ones that handcuffed him.He ran on Mexico paying for the wall,and there wasn't a chance in hell Mexico would of paid for the wall.Fox was president of Mexico from 2000 to 2006,so I have no idea what you are talking about him doing with trump as president,"putting the skids on the CA stuff"..But I remember Fox did say "We are not paying for that f*cking wall" when asked.I believe Fox even said that trump tried to get him "to just say Mexico will pay for it",even though he would of never have done it.The guy who was president of Mexico at that time Enrique Nieto,said there would be "No scenario that Mexico would pay for the wall".
No,I believe it was quelled because he couldn't find a way on how to pay for the wall,because Mexico would of never paid for it.What are you talking about "a good point can be made that just the threat of having Mexico do it helped",it didn't help anything at all because Mexico would never even think about paying for it.Ya maybe trump (since he ran on the wall) should of worried about that,instead of giving tax breaks to the wealthy.Because I certainly don't believe the problem with America,is that the wealthy just don't have enough money in this country.
@MrWhatsItToYa I unfortunately don't have an answer to what anybody should do to solve this problem(and neither do any of you,nor do any politicians,but you guys sure pretend like you have the answers).Like I said in post #92,I think it's basically an un-fixable problem to a certain extent.If you got people willing to WALK about 2,000 miles carrying everything they own,you think a fuckin wall is gonna make them just turn around and go back?I'd be willing to bet the answers no. You do not have an answer. But you do seem to realize that it is a problem. That is good. Because a lot on the Left will not even admit that. It for sure is NOT an 'unfixable problem'. It has been 'fixed' before to various degrees. The folks in the USA just have not reached a point where they have the desire or willpower to fix it. It is the same with any problem in the country. Take debt as an example. The country kicks it down the rod to the next generation. Same with the illegals problem. But this is something people do in their own lives. They throw their hands up in the air and refuse to get out of debt or handle other pressing issues and just hope they go away or that they can deal with them later. The whole time the debt or problem is getting worse. If the people really and truly wanted to fix this, they could do it. They could do it without a wall, even. They just do not have the fortitude.
Of course I realize it's a problem,it's been a problem for 60 years.
Fixed to various degrees,is not fixed.
You say 'the folks in the USA just have not reached a point where they have the desire or willpower to fix it",but then you are on here complaining that Biden is the 1 who hasn't fixed it yet.
Do tell us how to fix it then,if you got all the answers.You could be the immigration hero the right has been waiting for.
Quote Originally Posted by Raiders22:
@MrWhatsItToYa I unfortunately don't have an answer to what anybody should do to solve this problem(and neither do any of you,nor do any politicians,but you guys sure pretend like you have the answers).Like I said in post #92,I think it's basically an un-fixable problem to a certain extent.If you got people willing to WALK about 2,000 miles carrying everything they own,you think a fuckin wall is gonna make them just turn around and go back?I'd be willing to bet the answers no. You do not have an answer. But you do seem to realize that it is a problem. That is good. Because a lot on the Left will not even admit that. It for sure is NOT an 'unfixable problem'. It has been 'fixed' before to various degrees. The folks in the USA just have not reached a point where they have the desire or willpower to fix it. It is the same with any problem in the country. Take debt as an example. The country kicks it down the rod to the next generation. Same with the illegals problem. But this is something people do in their own lives. They throw their hands up in the air and refuse to get out of debt or handle other pressing issues and just hope they go away or that they can deal with them later. The whole time the debt or problem is getting worse. If the people really and truly wanted to fix this, they could do it. They could do it without a wall, even. They just do not have the fortitude.
Of course I realize it's a problem,it's been a problem for 60 years.
Fixed to various degrees,is not fixed.
You say 'the folks in the USA just have not reached a point where they have the desire or willpower to fix it",but then you are on here complaining that Biden is the 1 who hasn't fixed it yet.
Do tell us how to fix it then,if you got all the answers.You could be the immigration hero the right has been waiting for.
Raider,now that I've taken the time to answer your questions.Answer 1 question of mine.If trump is found guilty of some of the charges he's facing.Will you still be cheering about how great he is?
Raider,now that I've taken the time to answer your questions.Answer 1 question of mine.If trump is found guilty of some of the charges he's facing.Will you still be cheering about how great he is?
,it's been a problem for 60 years. Fixed to various degrees,is not fixed. You say 'the folks in the USA just have not reached a point where they have the desire or willpower to fix it",
Historically, presidents have little control over immigration flows despite largest federal spending on law enforcement. Most illegal immigrants enter US legally but overstay their authorized time limit. For decades, congress has failed to accept bipartisan reforms proposed mostly from democrats to improve immigration system. Apparently, congress don't want to fix the problem. Less accepting of legal and illegal immigration, republicans need border crisis so that democrats can be blamed.
Quote Originally Posted by MrWhatsItToYa:
,it's been a problem for 60 years. Fixed to various degrees,is not fixed. You say 'the folks in the USA just have not reached a point where they have the desire or willpower to fix it",
Historically, presidents have little control over immigration flows despite largest federal spending on law enforcement. Most illegal immigrants enter US legally but overstay their authorized time limit. For decades, congress has failed to accept bipartisan reforms proposed mostly from democrats to improve immigration system. Apparently, congress don't want to fix the problem. Less accepting of legal and illegal immigration, republicans need border crisis so that democrats can be blamed.
This is key: they KNOW there is a, more or less, open border. IF they knew there was a very slim chance of being admitted, fewer would come. IF there were a wall, even fewer would come. The more deterrents you place in front of someone the less willing they are to try.
Says it all, right there.
This is key: they KNOW there is a, more or less, open border. IF they knew there was a very slim chance of being admitted, fewer would come. IF there were a wall, even fewer would come. The more deterrents you place in front of someone the less willing they are to try.
Raider,now that I've taken the time to answer your questions.Answer 1 question of mine.If trump is found guilty of some of the charges he's facing.Will you still be cheering about how great he is?
I will give you my answer. I would not be cheering how great he his as I do not think he is great now. Rather, I will be condemning how bad our country is and how a certain group is allowed to destroy our rights and subvert the legal system for their personnal vendettas. What happens to Trump could happen to anyone who questions or is preceived a threat to the current regime. That is why Trump is currently defeating Biden in the polls. It is soooo much more than Trump now. If you think a guilty verdict in all of these sham trails will change peoples minds you are sadly mistaken. It will only strengthen the support for Trump.
And I'm thinking Trump may be damaged goods now. I mean how much can a man take without lashing out when he is in power. I'll take that chance, and millions and millions of others will too.
Quote Originally Posted by MrWhatsItToYa:
Raider,now that I've taken the time to answer your questions.Answer 1 question of mine.If trump is found guilty of some of the charges he's facing.Will you still be cheering about how great he is?
I will give you my answer. I would not be cheering how great he his as I do not think he is great now. Rather, I will be condemning how bad our country is and how a certain group is allowed to destroy our rights and subvert the legal system for their personnal vendettas. What happens to Trump could happen to anyone who questions or is preceived a threat to the current regime. That is why Trump is currently defeating Biden in the polls. It is soooo much more than Trump now. If you think a guilty verdict in all of these sham trails will change peoples minds you are sadly mistaken. It will only strengthen the support for Trump.
And I'm thinking Trump may be damaged goods now. I mean how much can a man take without lashing out when he is in power. I'll take that chance, and millions and millions of others will too.
Umm 1st off the wall in Germany was guarded by 300 watch towers,55,000 land mines,that might of had something to do with why East Germany still had people living there.Not because the wall was that hard to get over.And was only about 90 something miles long.In comparison the border with Mexico is over 1,900 miles long,you wanna take the time to figure out how many watchtowers or guard houses would be needed to secure our border with Mexico,according to your Berlin Wall comparison.According to this information on the Berlin Wall,it's almost like you are agreeing with my statement,that "unless you have people constantly monitoring the whole 1,900 miles of wall",people are going to be able to get across.Granted technology wise and camera wise,security these days would be a little easier.But in no way if you left it un-monitored,would it be secure.
I was using that to simply show how hard it was to get over a wall, period, not the extent that you would guard the far fewer that would try.
Yes, some would still try. The entire length would not have to be guarded and the extent at various places not be as extreme.
Yes, if your intent was to be as preventive and as extreme as possible you could do those things if necessary. But the wall would slow the illegals down so much that those types of drastic measures would not be needed. The wall itself would be enough of a deterrent.
If you want to stop every SINGLE person -- you would do the things you suggest; if you want to SLOW it way down and are too incompetent and lazy to use the current measures in place -- then a wall would suffice.
Umm 1st off the wall in Germany was guarded by 300 watch towers,55,000 land mines,that might of had something to do with why East Germany still had people living there.Not because the wall was that hard to get over.And was only about 90 something miles long.In comparison the border with Mexico is over 1,900 miles long,you wanna take the time to figure out how many watchtowers or guard houses would be needed to secure our border with Mexico,according to your Berlin Wall comparison.According to this information on the Berlin Wall,it's almost like you are agreeing with my statement,that "unless you have people constantly monitoring the whole 1,900 miles of wall",people are going to be able to get across.Granted technology wise and camera wise,security these days would be a little easier.But in no way if you left it un-monitored,would it be secure.
I was using that to simply show how hard it was to get over a wall, period, not the extent that you would guard the far fewer that would try.
Yes, some would still try. The entire length would not have to be guarded and the extent at various places not be as extreme.
Yes, if your intent was to be as preventive and as extreme as possible you could do those things if necessary. But the wall would slow the illegals down so much that those types of drastic measures would not be needed. The wall itself would be enough of a deterrent.
If you want to stop every SINGLE person -- you would do the things you suggest; if you want to SLOW it way down and are too incompetent and lazy to use the current measures in place -- then a wall would suffice.
I'm not sure what the specific name of these ladders are,they are like ladders you can throw out your upstairs windows at home if there is a fire.They are like rope ladders with rungs going as long as the ladder itself.You throw the ladder over the top and secure it to the top,then have another 1 of those ladders to hook to the top and climb down the other side.You could keep the ladders there and have a constant stream of people climbing the ladder to go over the wall.Google it and you can find people getting over the wall in under 2 minutes,but you are right,everybody would walk 2,000 miles in a couple months and then turn around if they saw a wall that would take under 2 minutes to climb.Unless of course they were smart enough to think about bringing 2 of those ladders,while they're walking for the 2,000 miles.Lets not even mention just bringing a saw to cut thru the slants of wall.
What do you do once you get to the top of the wall? Do you take the things necessary each time to deal with the top of the wall. Sure, once you finally have all of this in place -- you can start to have people going over the wall in that one spot. Until it was stopped. Do you realize how long a process that is and that not nearly as many folks would do it -- or would be able to. Then once you started people coming over the Patrol has plenty of time to come and stop more from coming in that spot that took you so much EFFORT to put in place. There is very little EFFORT currently required to cross the border. Make it HARDER.
I'm not sure what the specific name of these ladders are,they are like ladders you can throw out your upstairs windows at home if there is a fire.They are like rope ladders with rungs going as long as the ladder itself.You throw the ladder over the top and secure it to the top,then have another 1 of those ladders to hook to the top and climb down the other side.You could keep the ladders there and have a constant stream of people climbing the ladder to go over the wall.Google it and you can find people getting over the wall in under 2 minutes,but you are right,everybody would walk 2,000 miles in a couple months and then turn around if they saw a wall that would take under 2 minutes to climb.Unless of course they were smart enough to think about bringing 2 of those ladders,while they're walking for the 2,000 miles.Lets not even mention just bringing a saw to cut thru the slants of wall.
What do you do once you get to the top of the wall? Do you take the things necessary each time to deal with the top of the wall. Sure, once you finally have all of this in place -- you can start to have people going over the wall in that one spot. Until it was stopped. Do you realize how long a process that is and that not nearly as many folks would do it -- or would be able to. Then once you started people coming over the Patrol has plenty of time to come and stop more from coming in that spot that took you so much EFFORT to put in place. There is very little EFFORT currently required to cross the border. Make it HARDER.
everybody would walk 2,000 miles in a couple months and then turn around if they saw a wall that would take under 2 minutes to climb.Unless of course they were smart enough to think about bringing 2 of those ladders,while they're walking for the 2,000 miles.Lets not even mention just bringing a saw to cut thru the slants of wall
No sir. That is not the point. The point is if they knew a wall were there before they started 'walking' (research this also, please) then they would realize there is a wall to circumvent. They would also realize that you were serious about preventing them, stopping them, sending them back, and not giving them free stuff to stay. People do not want a lot of obstacles; they want the easy route. Do not make it easy -- make it hard to do. Make them realize even if they make the effort to get there that they will not be allowed to stay.
everybody would walk 2,000 miles in a couple months and then turn around if they saw a wall that would take under 2 minutes to climb.Unless of course they were smart enough to think about bringing 2 of those ladders,while they're walking for the 2,000 miles.Lets not even mention just bringing a saw to cut thru the slants of wall
No sir. That is not the point. The point is if they knew a wall were there before they started 'walking' (research this also, please) then they would realize there is a wall to circumvent. They would also realize that you were serious about preventing them, stopping them, sending them back, and not giving them free stuff to stay. People do not want a lot of obstacles; they want the easy route. Do not make it easy -- make it hard to do. Make them realize even if they make the effort to get there that they will not be allowed to stay.
everybody would walk 2,000 miles in a couple months and then turn around if they saw a wall that would take under 2 minutes to climb.Unless of course they were smart enough to think about bringing 2 of those ladders,while they're walking for the 2,000 miles.Lets not even mention just bringing a saw to cut thru the slants of wall
Why would you be okay with it if it does not help, even if someone else paid for it? Because it would work far better than what is currently in place -- nothing.
So, you do agree that illegals are a problem? You do not agree with an open border policy?
everybody would walk 2,000 miles in a couple months and then turn around if they saw a wall that would take under 2 minutes to climb.Unless of course they were smart enough to think about bringing 2 of those ladders,while they're walking for the 2,000 miles.Lets not even mention just bringing a saw to cut thru the slants of wall
Why would you be okay with it if it does not help, even if someone else paid for it? Because it would work far better than what is currently in place -- nothing.
So, you do agree that illegals are a problem? You do not agree with an open border policy?
Ya he was handcuffed by congress,and I believe the republicans who were in charge of the Senate and House,were the ones that handcuffed him.He ran on Mexico paying for the wall,and there wasn't a chance in hell Mexico would of paid for the wall.Fox was president of Mexico from 2000 to 2006,so I have no idea what you are talking about him doing with trump as president,"putting the skids on the CA stuff"..But I remember Fox did say "We are not paying for that f*cking wall" when asked.I believe Fox even said that trump tried to get him "to just say Mexico will pay for it",even though he would of never have done it.The guy who was president of Mexico at that time Enrique Nieto,said there would be "No scenario that Mexico would pay for the wall".
You are right it was Nieto he met with. But Fox was the guy saying they would not pay for it. Then when Trump threatened -- maybe that is too strong of a word, Nieto you see that Mexico slowed down the illegals coming up from Central America. Of course, he knew Trump was serious about it. Absolutely when you indicate to someone you are taking funding from them or putting sanctions on them -- it will make them reconsider. Trump was, of course, dead serious about taking that money and paying for the wall.
You are correct that the idiotic Republicans helped the Democrats handcuff Trump on this.
Then when the number of illegals slowed down -- they all decided that was good enough and Trump really could get nowhere after that.
Now look where you are with illegals -- they are at an all-time high.
Ya he was handcuffed by congress,and I believe the republicans who were in charge of the Senate and House,were the ones that handcuffed him.He ran on Mexico paying for the wall,and there wasn't a chance in hell Mexico would of paid for the wall.Fox was president of Mexico from 2000 to 2006,so I have no idea what you are talking about him doing with trump as president,"putting the skids on the CA stuff"..But I remember Fox did say "We are not paying for that f*cking wall" when asked.I believe Fox even said that trump tried to get him "to just say Mexico will pay for it",even though he would of never have done it.The guy who was president of Mexico at that time Enrique Nieto,said there would be "No scenario that Mexico would pay for the wall".
You are right it was Nieto he met with. But Fox was the guy saying they would not pay for it. Then when Trump threatened -- maybe that is too strong of a word, Nieto you see that Mexico slowed down the illegals coming up from Central America. Of course, he knew Trump was serious about it. Absolutely when you indicate to someone you are taking funding from them or putting sanctions on them -- it will make them reconsider. Trump was, of course, dead serious about taking that money and paying for the wall.
You are correct that the idiotic Republicans helped the Democrats handcuff Trump on this.
Then when the number of illegals slowed down -- they all decided that was good enough and Trump really could get nowhere after that.
Now look where you are with illegals -- they are at an all-time high.
No,I believe it was quelled because he couldn't find a way on how to pay for the wall,because Mexico would of never paid for it.What are you talking about "a good point can be made that just the threat of having Mexico do it helped",it didn't help anything at all because Mexico would never even think about paying for it.Ya maybe trump (since he ran on the wall) should of worried about that,instead of giving tax breaks to the wealthy.Because I certainly don't believe the problem with America,is that the wealthy just don't have enough money in this country.
Nothing about this is correct. See the above post or just research it some.
No,I believe it was quelled because he couldn't find a way on how to pay for the wall,because Mexico would of never paid for it.What are you talking about "a good point can be made that just the threat of having Mexico do it helped",it didn't help anything at all because Mexico would never even think about paying for it.Ya maybe trump (since he ran on the wall) should of worried about that,instead of giving tax breaks to the wealthy.Because I certainly don't believe the problem with America,is that the wealthy just don't have enough money in this country.
Nothing about this is correct. See the above post or just research it some.
Raider,now that I've taken the time to answer your questions.Answer 1 question of mine.If trump is found guilty of some of the charges he's facing.Will you still be cheering about how great he is?
I would prefer this be answered in one of the anti-Trump threads. I do not know why you guys on the Left are so obsessed with Trump on every thread in here. This is about illegals and Biden.
I was not a Trump guy at the start. But after he was in office I think a good argument can be made that he was the best President in a very, very long time.
You guys are unwilling to overlook his human faults to see the good he did. Every President has faults. Go look at JFK, for example, whom everyone loves for some weird reason.
Look at what Chamath has said. He was on record as being very anti-Trump. He voted for Clinton and Biden. But now he says Trump did a great job. he goes in to detail about the things Trump did well -- especially with the economy and the world stage.
Like he says: just because people did not like the messenger -- they killed the message.
History is replete with faulty leader's personal lives that have done great things for their people and country.
Is he a good person? No, but no one is. Was he a good President? Absolutely he was.
Raider,now that I've taken the time to answer your questions.Answer 1 question of mine.If trump is found guilty of some of the charges he's facing.Will you still be cheering about how great he is?
I would prefer this be answered in one of the anti-Trump threads. I do not know why you guys on the Left are so obsessed with Trump on every thread in here. This is about illegals and Biden.
I was not a Trump guy at the start. But after he was in office I think a good argument can be made that he was the best President in a very, very long time.
You guys are unwilling to overlook his human faults to see the good he did. Every President has faults. Go look at JFK, for example, whom everyone loves for some weird reason.
Look at what Chamath has said. He was on record as being very anti-Trump. He voted for Clinton and Biden. But now he says Trump did a great job. he goes in to detail about the things Trump did well -- especially with the economy and the world stage.
Like he says: just because people did not like the messenger -- they killed the message.
History is replete with faulty leader's personal lives that have done great things for their people and country.
Is he a good person? No, but no one is. Was he a good President? Absolutely he was.
Quote Originally Posted by MrWhatsItToYa: ,it's been a problem for 60 years. Fixed to various degrees,is not fixed. You say 'the folks in the USA just have not reached a point where they have the desire or willpower to fix it", Historically, presidents have little control over immigration flows despite largest federal spending on law enforcement. Most illegal immigrants enter US legally but overstay their authorized time limit. For decades, congress has failed to accept bipartisan reforms proposed mostly from democrats to improve immigration system. Apparently, congress don't want to fix the problem. Less accepting of legal and illegal immigration, republicans need border crisis so that democrats can be blamed.
All of this is nonsense and incorrect, as usual.
Quote Originally Posted by thirdperson:
Quote Originally Posted by MrWhatsItToYa: ,it's been a problem for 60 years. Fixed to various degrees,is not fixed. You say 'the folks in the USA just have not reached a point where they have the desire or willpower to fix it", Historically, presidents have little control over immigration flows despite largest federal spending on law enforcement. Most illegal immigrants enter US legally but overstay their authorized time limit. For decades, congress has failed to accept bipartisan reforms proposed mostly from democrats to improve immigration system. Apparently, congress don't want to fix the problem. Less accepting of legal and illegal immigration, republicans need border crisis so that democrats can be blamed.
good argument can be made that he was the best President in a very, very long time.
C-span and Siena college polls of presidential experts rank Trump among the worst presidents in US history. His best qualities are luck and public persuasion.
Quote Originally Posted by Raiders22:
good argument can be made that he was the best President in a very, very long time.
C-span and Siena college polls of presidential experts rank Trump among the worst presidents in US history. His best qualities are luck and public persuasion.
If you enter the public arena and like to cast stonesĄMake sure you have a empty closet & and donĄ¯t brag about not paying taxes and being smart for not doing so!
If you enter the public arena and like to cast stonesĄMake sure you have a empty closet & and donĄ¯t brag about not paying taxes and being smart for not doing so!
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