Stock was trading at around $13 yesterday.
What are the chances this company gets bought out by Apple (or Google)?
Google just bought motorola (and their patents) at 67% above market price for the stock. RIMM aparently holds 10000-15000 patents.If Samsung or Microsoft gains control of them it might not be good for Apple.
Microsoft and Samsung rumoured to be interested in buying Nokia too. Nokia estimated to be holding at least 50 essential 4G patents, and possibly in excess of 100 essential 3G patents, Apple could unencumber itself from paying a lot of royalty fees ad infinitum by picking up Nokia too.
As a contrarian type investment what are your thoughts on RIMM? Does it survive with the Blackerry 10? Does it get bought out by Apple, Microsoft, Google or Samsung? Or does it go bankrupt and auction off it's patents like Nortel did?
I think if one of the two former than it is a greta buy now. If the latter than it is a bust.