This is purely word of mouth I have not researched this stock. That said my friend who has contacts is telling me two of his Hedge Fund buddies are buying the heck out of it BSX, I haven't seen the the fillings but he claims they are buying under the radar. I take him at his word as he told me to buy DNDN, HGSI, and VCI at 1/30th of current prices; of course I didn't buy Anyway this cat is 30 yrs old and just took a 750k loan from some people I wouldn't want to owe money to in order to buy over 100k shares for himself. Either he's a nut or knows it's going up as he tells me to atleast 12 by year end. I said screw it and bought 750 shares. I asked him if I could take a life insurance policy out on him and he said go ahead if I want to give my money away just give it to him.